My mission as a Life Coach is to empower and inspire my clients to live a life that is authentic, fulfilling, and aligned with their values. I believe that everyone has the potential to create positive change in their lives, and I am here to support you on your journey towards personal growth and transformation.
As a singer, song-writer and teacher/speaker, Maggie will bring new life and connection to your next event. Contact us, and we can design a workshop For An Overcomer Walking In Freedom. This workshop is designed to help heal the wounds of the past through the gospel of Jesus Christ according to Exodus 23:29-30.
Maggie is dedicated to encourage and speak life!
"God wants to restore you and to walk in His light so that you will not be able to recall how dark your life was previously. God loves you!"
The Greek word most often translated “overcomer” stems from the word nike which, according to Strong’s Concordance, means “to carry off the victory. The verb implies a battle.” The Bible teaches Christians to recognize that the world is a battleground, not a playground. God does not leave us defenseless. Ephesians 6:11–17 describes the armor of the Lord available to all believers. Scattered throughout this narrative is the admonition to “stand firm.” Sometimes all it takes to overcome temptation is to stand firm and refuse be dragged into it. James 4:7 says, “Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” An overcomer is one who resists sin no matter what lures Satan uses.
Maggie has been blessed with a calling to bring music and message to people in many parts of the world. She is continuing to work on projects and going where God leads her.
God has granted Maggie with a gift of song and preaching. Her desire is to share it with the world and to speak about the goodness and splendor of his works.
"Thank you first to my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ who saved me, healed and restored my life. Thank you to Mrs. Shirley Evans-Maggie's spiritual mother, who has helped me through-out my journey; Walking in Freedom Ministries - a ministry of recovery from trauma and abuse. To my sister's for being strong prayer warriors and standing in the gap for my life.
Maggie has been a part of Daughters of Zion Ministries with Founder Charlotte Parkhurst - for over ten years and is thankful for Daughters of Zion (DOZ), for taking her under their wings to instruct and nourish the gifting's in Maggie.
Thankful for her family who has always been of great support. After releasing Vengo a Ti, Maggie dedicated herself to taking the message of Christ around the world.
Whether, as a keynote speaker, worship leader or a workshop leader, God has a way of breaking through the boundaries that are limiting your life from fulfilling His purpose.
Maggie shares her life experiences by way of music, testimony, teaching and preaching.
Maggie is under the covering of Christ for the Nations Fellowship of Ministers and Churches (CFN-FMC), in Dallas, Texas. Living with her husband and children in the Dallas area.
Thank you for your contributions.
I am extremely excited for the new opportunities God will provide.
Maggie truly believes in the importance of human and spiritual connection.
We are in a time where connection is more important than ever before. We are called to serve and she is here to offer her gift to serve those who are in need for spiritual connection.
Faith starts in believing that GOD has gifted you with something. Often times our gift is right before our eyes, we have yet to recognize it.
Faith begins with believing that you have been called for something great to represent God's love.
Leading Worship
May 21-23 2021 Ladies Retreat
Franklin, Kentucky
Vidas Revolucionadas Longview, Tx
Spanish: Mujer Creada Con Propósito
(Created With A Purpose)
Diana Pitman Ministries
Vidas Revolucionadas
1505 South Green Street
Longview, Tx...
Vidas Revolucionadas Longview, Tx
La Vista Ranch
I will be one of the Master's of Ceremony
Perlas y Tiarras
La Vista Ranch 8382 FM 2208
Longview, Texas 75605
La Vista Ranch
901 Beltinline Road ,Garland, Texas
We invite Walking In Freedom Classes
Starting March 7th, 2024
901 Beltline Rd.
Garland, Texas 75040
901 Beltinline Road ,Garland, Texas
The car accident that changed our lives.